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Rome and Russia

For Russians it is important to examine the mutual relationship between Russia and Rome during the history of the past 1,000 years. Already at the dawn of Russia’s baptism (at the end of 10th century), the Roman pope sent emissaries to Korsun to persuade Prince Vladimir not to embrace the Orthodox Church. Emissaries were sent to Kiev with the same purpose. The pope tried to influence them through the kings of Poland and Czechoslovakia and likewise attempted to manipulate the assembly of Slavic and European princes. In response to the Tartar invasion of Russia, the pope sent armed Swedes and Venetians. Meeting defeat in battle against the Russian armies led by Prince Alexander Nevsky, the pope offered his help to battle the Tartars. He received this response, "God is not found in human strength but in truth." And the Pope answered with armed attacks in the 13th century and again in the "Times of Trouble" from 1605 to 1612.

The advance of Rome in opposition to Orthodoxy has been uninterrupted over the entire history of Russia. Poland was declared by the pope as missionary territory for the Roman church. In our century, from 1919 to 1929, Roman Catholics took possession of 43% of the Orthodox Churches there. During the first quarter of our century, a new organ of the Roman Church became known as the "Eastern Rite." Through adopting the external forms of worship of the Orthodox Church, the "Eastern Rite" attempted to seduce Orthodox Christians away from their Church.

How many times the merciless Catholics insisted that "the Lord will sweep with a steel broom the Orthodox east for the purpose of empowering the Catholic Church." In 1926 and 1928 the eastern Catholic emissary traveled to Moscow again to make contact with and convert the Marxist internationalists. The Jesuit priest Scwheiger insisted that the Bolsheviks were well prepared to receive the Catholic missionaries, and that the long-suffering Russian people were hostages of the Roman preachers’ efforts. The facts reveal that the aggressive behavior of the Vatican towards Orthodoxy has not let up to this day.

The Main Differences Between Orthodoxy and Catholicism

  1. Catholicism created new dogmas in conflict with the apostolic teachings and the seven Ecumenical Councils. The most serious deviations from the truth are the Latin dogmas of the procession of the Holy Spirit "from the Son," of the supremacy and infallibility of the Roman Pope, and of the "immaculate conception" of the Mother of God (the claim that the Mother of God was conceived without sin).
  2. In opposition to the apostolic tradition, catholic priests must adhere to celibacy.
  3. Sacramental distortions: the Sacrament of Communion is not performed according to the apostolic Tradition. Instead of bread and wine, wafers are administered — worshippers are excluded from the wine, which is reserved for the clergy. Thus, the laity are denied the Blood of Christ. Also, the Sacrament of Baptism is performed by the sprinkling of water rather than by immersion as was the Tradition.
  4. The Orthodox Church does not recognize "purgatory" (a place between heaven and hell, where the deceased are permitted to atone for their sins). She likewise does not accept the incorrect practice of indulgences, the merciless inquisitions and torture carried out by the Catholic Church, nor the conversion of Orthodox Christians to Catholicism.
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