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And so, the devil and the demons are manifest as real and not imaginary beings that present to us a great and continuous danger. Although they do not have sovereignty over those believing in Christ, they use the sinfulness of people to enslave them and to push them into various wrongful acts. Therefore, it is necessary for all of us to beware of sins and to try to live a pious and holy life. We must remember that the fallen spirits are very skilled in the seduction of people and possess a huge amount of experience. All their time and powers are directed at leading us away from the Lord and ruining us. The Lord limits their activity and defends us from their snares. However, He allows them to tempt us for the sake of our spiritual good, so that we do not get lazy but live vigilantly and grow spiritually.

The Lord Jesus Christ gave us powerful means for the repulsion of evil spirits: His Name, prayer, the Cross, holy water, and, especially, Holy Communion. Let us use these means and live for that which is good until we reach the quiet anchorage of the Heavenly Kingdom! Amen.

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