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3. Wisdom is not a personal entity.

Wisdom is a quality, an attribute of personality, in other words — an abstract notion. A quality is not a real object or entity. School grammar taught us, that only those nouns denote real objects that, so to say, originated as nouns: the sea, the sky, earth, the tree, the hill. But those historically stemming from adjectives, verbs or numbers: a trip, a rest, a washing, a decade, a century — are ideas without a personal existence, requiring a separate carrier. We call such nouns abstract, in contrast to the nouns of the first type — the concrete ones, which are representing specific objects or persons, at least, in our imagination. The sophiologists probably know all this better than we do. From such abstract ideas and nouns, derivatives from adjectives and verbs, polytheism has created a whole imaginary world. Wisdom, love, courage, male beauty, femininity, commerce, fertility — have became gods and goddesses. Is there anything real or personal behind these ideas? Nothing and no one, just emptiness. Such was the religion of the Greco-Roman world.

Each object and each living being has its own vast number of features, attributes, and distinctions. Wisdom by itself is only an attribute, it can be either complete, as the wisdom of God, or limited, as in creations. Both forms are presented in the Book of Proverbs. If wisdom has a number of attributes attached to it, it doesn’t mean that it is their sole owner, it is only the first among others, each of them having its own name, while the whole group of attributes has its own general carrier under its own name. Maybe for this reason sophiologists add the name "Sophia" to "Wisdom," as though the latter carries the former as an attribute. But this, in fact, is pure tautology (redundancy), when identical things are named in two languages. The name does not enhance the content of that to which it is applied.

What is the matter then? Aren’t the sophiologists using Biblical names to introduce substantial, concrete concepts foreign to Biblical and Christian truths?

What a departure from the Christian worldview!

How contrary all this is to the very idea of Biblical monotheism! There is nothing in common between monotheism and polytheism in their very essence, just like between faith and atheism. The whole essence of religion of the once God-chosen people, the entire ardor of prophetic speeches, exhortations, threats, cries of spiritual pain, were directed precisely at the battle with this heathen "cult of life," with the cult of "ancestral beginnings of life," in its lowest form, and this was what made up the spirit of polytheism in different variations. Biblical religion is completely free of this element. The Bible sees all the tragedies of the people and its whole history from the point of view of its falling into the base heathen ideas and the orgies of these cults connected to them. The prophets foresaw and explained the destruction of the state, the troubles of the nation, as direct punishment for departing from the pure moral monotheism, for betrayal of God.

Must we speak on this theme in connection with Christianity?

The first birth of a person, that is, the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib, according to the book of Genesis, was not without purpose a birth "without a wife." Christianity received its beginning in the same way: the embodiment of the Son of God without a husband.

In reply, we are offered the following quote from the first chapter of the Bible: "in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them." From this a reversed conclusion is derived: that which has been established in human nature, is also characteristic of Godly nature. But such a conclusion is a violation of the elementary law of logic — a reverse conclusion by analogy. I see my face clearly in a smooth mirror: but I do not deduce from this that my face is also smooth and shiny, like the mirror. The Apostle writes of the heathen: "But became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things" (Rom. 1:21-23). Do we have to imitate them?

We can only praise God for the wise order upon the earth. Through the Wisdom of God, through the stream of innumerable births, through the joining of male and female elements of creation, countless variations of forms, types and appearances are achieved on earth. A change of generations is created through these conditions, a fullness and harmony of the whole, and such richness of individuality that there is none, nor was nor will be two people completely alike, nor even two trees that are as alike as two drops of water. But the wisdom of God set down the law of reproduction through the physical union of two creations of one type, giving them the corresponding variations in bodily structure. And not only differences in form are achieved. Even more: a family was formed, the basic cell of human society. But, alas! They are now even trying to destroy the family… But only in the family, from their childhood, do people learn to love and unselfishly serve each other!

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